As with a high-performance automobile, not every defect is the same. Brakes… yeah… they need to be correct and ready to work properly. The arm rest may be optional.
Your home also has priorities for care and upkeep. Certainly, any and all safety defects are your top priority. For example, are there any slippery surfaces in your home (and outside your home!) that need to be made more safe? (Railings, stairs, etc.). Is there anything entering into your attic, or holes in the foundation that cause a compromise to your safety (i.e., four, six or eight—legged critters)? Are there holes in your attic or foundation that permit pests (or vermin) into your home? What about duct work that is improperly attached (or not attached)? A family member of mine had a doggie door that worked just great for family of racoons! A yearly or seasonal walk-around is a perfect way to detect these kinds of problems. If you’re not comfortable with an issue, call North Star Home Inspections; maybe we can help.
Secondly, after all safe-living issues are addressed, inspect your home for all leaks, specifically the ones that permit water getting into a spot where it does not belong and assure that water that is supposed to be exiting the house is also getting where it needs to go (condensation drain pipes, gutters, downspouts, buried drains, landscaping water collectors, etc.). Roof leaks are especially damaging and if unattended, can cause wood rot, damage and perhaps even mold damage to sheathing. (Take the four-letter “M” word very seriously!) Be on the look-out for all leaks and improper water shedding from the roof. In summary, water–of all types, is the quickest way to deteriorate a home and often (when improperly managed), one of the most expensive mistakes to correct.
Finally, if you’re satisfied that there are no safety or leakage issues you can address everything else. Unfortunately, the statistics on home safety are not improving; all homes need regular attention so, give it your best shot… you and your loved ones deserve to live in a safe home.